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UNAPEDA The French association of parents of deaf and hard of hearing children
Article publié le Wednesday 18 August 2010.
traduction : fr es

On March 13, 2004, UNAPEDA was created, resulting from the will to work together of parents and associations.

Respectful of the choices carried out by the families concerning the modes of schooling of their children and their modes of communication, we could note in the last 20 years the very important contribution of the services set up by our associations with regard to:

We hope that all of these services set up to support parents, children, and deaf adults, will be consolidated, will continue and develop further.

UNAPEDA in few lines :

UNAPEDA is a member of FEPEDA, the European Federation of Parents of Hearing Impaired Children.

Since beginning, UNAPEDA organized Familiy Days each year


Several of our regional associations are in charge of students and deaf adult’s program

Three of our regional associations are in charge of deaf children’s schooling


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