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Article publié le Friday 5 June 2009.
traduction : fr

Monday, 16 November 2009 - Friday, 20 November 2009
Location: Namur, Belgium

The aim of the conference is to share this knowledge and experience with international researchers and professionals and provide them with the contribution of disciplines that, until now, have not been devoted to the study of LSFB: issues on bilingualism between oral and signed languages or between signed languages; and anthropologic and philosophical approaches to the relations between Deaf and Hearing communities.

The whole of the conference will be multilingual - LSFB, International Signs (IS), French and English

The conference will be 5 days long, each day devoted to one central theme.

-  Actual researches on Sign Linguistics
-  Bilingualism (oral/signed languages or between signed languages)
-  Teaching by/for the Deaf
-  Interpreting
-  Anthropology and philosophy

Contact : Aurélie Sinte

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