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University education for the deaf

Article publié le Sunday 4 May 2008.
traduction : es


Myriam Anzola, Aníbal León y Pedro Rivas
Universidad de Los Andes Mérida - Venezuela


The proposal is the result of the reactivation of the curricular discussion which began in the School of Education, based on the Teacher Training Program for Primary Education, in the Curricular Reform statements for Basic Education, in the new concepts of teacher training and in the curricular statements from the School of Education (1995.) We have developed a sub-track from the Basic Education degree for the education of deaf students, set by the premises offered by psycholinguistics and socio-linguistics with regards to the problems that arise with deafness. The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela establishes in article 103 the right to holistic, quality and permanent education, for all people without limitations less those coming from aptitude, vocations and aspirations. Article 81 establishes that the State will guarantee the right to human dignity and to equal opportunities for those with disabilities, as well as recognizing the right of deaf or mute people to communicate and express themselves using Venezuelan Sign Language. To give new life to this degree will allow the fulfillment of this constitutional provision. On the other hand, the University of Los Andes has been the Venezuelan university that since 1986 has undertaken psycholinguistic studies in Sign Language, pioneers in Latin America that legitimize Venezuelan Sign Language. The Faculty of Humanities and Education has the research personnel and professors with the academic training to take on the responsibility of making this proposal come true and incorporate the deaf Venezuelan community to university studies.

Key words: Venezuelan Sign Language, university education, deaf people


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