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Hearing implants can now stream sound right from an iPhone

Article publié le Monday 28 August 2017.

People with hearing implants will soon be able to stream music and take phone calls wirelessly from Apple devices.

Apple is teaming up with medical device maker Cochlear Limited to develop the first-ever cochlear implant sound processor that allows users to stream sound right from their iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

The Cochlear Nucleus 7 device, which was announced on Wednesday, received FDA approval in June.

In recent years, Apple has worked with other medical device makers like GN ReSound to create iOS-compatible hearing aids. There are now more than 50 hearing aids that work with iPhones.

For many, there is still a stigma surrounding hearing aids. But the high-tech versions intend to reduce some of that stress because users can discreetly make device adjustments using their phone as if they were checking an email or sending a text.


Source : http://money.cnn.com

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