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Alexander Graham Bell Association’s Recommended Protocol for Audiological Assessment, Hearing...

Article publié le Friday 21 November 2014.

This audiological protocol is intended to support programs for early detection and management of hearing loss in infants and children. This protocol also is a guide to appropriate and ongoing audiology services recommended for children participating in listening and spoken language (LSL) programs.

The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell) recognizes and recommends an audiological protocol that includes the test battery approach as an optimum means to access spoken language. No single test should be used in isolation to define and describe the nature and extent of a hearing loss. Ideally, every listening and spoken language program will have onsite audiological services. But regardless of setting, close collaboration of parents, audiologists, therapists, and educators is essential. Parents should be present and participate in all assessments. Whenever possible, the Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS®) certified professional also should be present at audiological assessments or communicate his/her questions or concerns regarding the child’s hearing or technology. -

See more at: http://www.listeningandspokenlanguage.org/Protocol.Audiological.Assessment/

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