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Article publié le Tuesday 8 July 2014.

The history of the education of the deaf or rather of the deaf mute has always been object of strong controversy but in particularly for the use of its methods. Many such ’resolutory’ methods as such have been invented or proposed . Among such methods is the most ’ferocious’ contrast of all because of its diverse educative, linguistic, cultural and social implications that is that between the oral method and the so called and which we shall define as mimical sign language.

In this assignment we don’t want to enter into the merits of linguistic issues. We only want to verify whether the LIS (Italian sign language) has the same potential on the level of comprehension and expression of the spoken language and whether as sustained by T: Russo Cardona and V. Volterra it is capable of directing rich and complex contents as is the oral language.

(Sign Language Mith or Reality)]
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