As already announced, the forthcoming 24th FEAPDA Congress (Féderation Européenne des Associations de Professeurs de Déficients Auditifs) about « inclusion - and what it means for deaf education » will be held from 21st to 22nd October 2016 at the Centre de Logopédie in Strassen, Luxembourg.
We are pleased to inform you that the provisional programme is online now (! Because of the deferred publication of the programme, the early bird registration deadline has been extended to 20 June 2016! Please consider also the arrangements we concluded with two hotels in Luxembourg-City for your accomodation, which you will find under the following link : . All information about the different arranged prices can be found on the two booking forms.
For further information, please visit the Congress website or contact us at . The website will be updated regularly, so that you will find all current information on it.
Please forward this information to colleagues or others who may be interested in the FEAPDA CONGRESS 2016 in Luxembourg. Many thanks!
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Luxembourg!
Best wishes,
The FEAPDA CONGRESS 2016 organising committee