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Tabitha Laksimi; The benefits of BSL as a 2nd language in the UK.

Article publié le Sunday 7 December 2014.

(JPG) Tabitha Laksimi has moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss, constant tinnitus, and recruitment. She recently started learning BSL, after realizing she was long in the habit of isolating herself from others due to her deafness. She would love to live in a world that is D/deaf aware (so she doesn’t have to keep repeating herself!) and for hearing loss of any kind to not impact negatively on anybody.

The Limping Chicken is the world’s most popular deaf blog, covering UK news and opinions every weekday.

Before the why’s - How?

We can make use of those who would be interested from the estimated 70,000 who already know and use BSL, along with those interested in learning it, to develop teachers who can then teach it to primary school children from age 4 until secondary school, by which point they should be fluent.

Once the first wave of children have become parents, employees and teachers, BSL can be taught to even younger children at home and in nursery school, and throughout primary and secondary school.

By this time, BSL would not have to be taught as a separate subject, but used to deliver other subjects. This would ensure continued use and fluency until university age.



See details on limpingchicjen.com

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