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Students Put Texas State University On The Spot

Article publié le mercredi 31 octobre 2012.

Two students at Texas State University have shared experiences of working with disability offices to identify and arrange supports for their own studies.

One student who has hearing-aids and does not sign, disliked the recurring stereotypical belief that having a sign interpreter would benefit her studies. Consequently, she took practical action by setting up a campus computer laboratory for deaf students to access teaching material on their own time.

Read more >> Student works to promote deaf equality

Meanwhile, the second student interviewed, believes more staff training and effort is needed to improve captioning services for lectures and tutorials.

Read>> Student struggles with disability office resources

Captioning in academic settings is quite new, with on-site processes being tweaked. Familiarity with material being captioned is a big advantage - but automated solutions with dynamic dictionaries will move services forward.

Source : IrishDeafKids

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