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FCEI Kongress 2012

Article publié le Tuesday 1 November 2011.
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Dear parents and colleagues,

it gives us great pleasure to annouce the 1st International Congress for Family-centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, from May 30th to June 1st in Bad Ischl, Austria. Attached please find preliminary information on the congress - for details please visit our website at www.fcei2012.org. We have an amitious program planned to challenge and inspire you. We hope to see you in Bad Ischl next year.

Daniel Holzinger, Congress President

Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, Chair of Scientific Programme Committee

Johannes Fellinger, Congress Host

Leeanne Seaver, Parent Representative

FCEI 2012
Hospital of St. John of God
Institut of Neurology and of Senses and Languages
Seilerstätte 2, 4021 Linz, Austria
Tel.: +43 (0) 732-7897-23706
Fax: +43 (0) 732-7897-23798
Web: www.fcei2012.org

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