Accueil du site Se former Parents

Family Days 2010

22-24 May 2020
Article publié le jeudi 1er avril 2010.
traduction : fr es

Unapeda is organising family days in Granville (Manche) with the support of Ariada (The Regional Association for inclusion and accessibility for hearing impaired people in Haute Normandy)

These family days will have several aims :

-  to offer opportunities for relaxation and socialising
-  to encourage the exchange of experiences between families from different areas
-  to inform families of recent changes in law and institutions
-  to enable families to become familiar with different methods of communication like French Sign Language and Cued Speech within special workshops.


Saturday 22 May


Round Table

Following the development of new technologies is it still always necessary to support hearing impaired and deaf children and if so, in what way ?


Doctor Leman and Maurice Beccari Fisaf - National Educational Representative for family support.



-  workshop 1 : French Sign Language initiation
-  workshop 2 : LPC initiation

Evening entertainment

Sunday 23 May


A presentation of the recommendations of the Leading Health Authority on the support of deaf children from 0-6 years of age, by Michel Pons who has participated in different working groups already established. Discussion on the text and interest of his presentation.


-  Workshops for French Sign Language
-  Workshops for LPC

The afternoon will be free for exploring the area.


Free discussion concerning the institutional changes which are currently being implemented
The changes brought in by the creation of regional health agencies
The procedures for tenders

Monday 24 May


Research into deafness particularly genetic causes : recent findings and perspectives

A presentation from Dc Sandrine Marlin ; genetic specialist


Evaluation by Michel Kerdiles - President of Unapeda

(Family Days 2010)]
(Bulletin d’inscription)]
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