Home page Culture Vacances Vacances 2011

JSF, Young Deaf in France Euro Camp - weekend (28-29 May) - Euro Camp (from 1-8 July)

Article publié le Sunday 1 May 2011.
traduction : fr

JSF, Young Deaf in France, the area of ​​the National Federation of the Deaf in France, has decided to organize an event:

Finally, the Euro Camp will be here soon

It happens in Paris from 1st to July 8, 2011 in Paris!
It is for adolescents 13 to 17 years

Our theme for this camp is:
"Is that art expressed by the deaf can change the look of the hearing? "

It will consist of two events:

  1. The Euro Camp (from 1-8 July)
  2. weekend (from 28-29 May)

contact : campeuro2011@gmail.com

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